In the beginning...
History of the Cards
They started as a project initiated by Life Vest Inside founder, Orly Wahba, with her 7th grade students back in 2007 and have become an exciting craze! Life Vest Inside’s signature kindness cards make for a great gift for people of all ages!

What is an Act of Kindness card?

Act of Kindness (AOK) Cards are a fun and exciting way for people to incorporate kindness into their daily lives. Each deck has come with 26 different acts of kindness cards, prompting the person to perform the act and pass the card forward to someone else. The acts of kindness are accessible for all people to complete.
AOK cards raise our awareness to what kindness looks like and help us see the opportunities that surround us on a daily basis to brighten another person’s day. AOK cards serve as a reminder to each of us that small things can truly make a BIG difference.
What is a Catching Kindness card?

Catching Kindness cards are a great tool to exercise our eye muscle and see the kindness that surrounds us. When you see someone doing an act of kindness for someone else, pass them a card letting them know that their action has inspired you. Now it’s their turn to keep their eyes peeled and catch someone in the act of kindness. Receive a card? You have 24 hours to pass it on!
Catching Kindness cards not only make us more aware of what kindness looks like, but they also encourage positive behavior and inspire others to join in on the fun!

Our Impact to Date
Cards in Circulation
Get it. Do it. Pass it.
Remember, when you put kindness out into the world, you never know how far it may travel!

Share Your Kindness Story!
Have a great story or experience with your kindness card? Share it with us and we’ll help share it with the world!